Lessons in Adolescence

Lessons with Kristen Pereira, Kelsey Martin & Nia Cottonham, Pt. 1

Youth-Nex: Remaking Middle School Season 3 Episode 35

This episode features a conversation with three professionals from Education Opens Doors, a Dallas-based nonprofit that works with Middle Schools, providing curriculum, professional learning and resources to help young adolescents be more informed about opportunities and choices for their future in high school, in college, and in careers. Kristen Pereira is Senior Curriculum Specialist, Kelsey Martin is Manager of Creative Projects, and Nia Cottonham is Implementation Manager. Together, they share how early adolescence is an ideal time to help young people explore their interests and learn practical skills and approaches to decision-making for turning those interests into their future learning, livelihood and life.  

In part one of their conversation, Kristen, Kelsey, Nia, and Jason talk about the origins of Education Opens Doors, the program model, focused on helping students develop practical, success skills as well as find and unlock their interests and motivations as they think about and map out their futures, how the curriculum fits this particular generation of young adolescents in this particular social context, and the types of social and community impact they are particularly drawn to.   

Additional Readings and Resources