Lessons in Adolescence

Lessons on Developing a Portrait of a Thriving Youth with Priscilla Little, Dr. Winsome Waite & Dr. Shereen El Mallah

Youth-Nex: Remaking Middle School Season 4 Episode 45

This episode features a conversation with three of the principal developers of the recently released Portrait of a Thriving Youth. Priscilla Little, Winsome Waite, and Shereen El Mallah were part of a design team formed by Youth-Nex: The University of Virginia Center for Effective Youth Development and the producer of the Lessons in Adolescence podcast, to craft a document akin to the growing number of Portraits of a Graduate being used in school systems around the country. The Portrait of a Thriving Youth extends this model beyond just the educational realm to encompass a range of assets and capacities that adults in multiple venues can help young people develop. 

In part one of their conversation, Priscilla, Winsome, Shereen, and Jason talk about the reasons and motivations behind developing the Portrait of a Thriving Youth and it’s connection with other Portrait efforts in school systems and communities throughout the country, the process of developing the portrait through a cross-disciplinary design team and the ways the design team worked to capture youth input and feedback, and how the design team approached defining foundational terms like Youth and Thriving as well as why the team focused on adolescence.

In part two, they talk about the influences of relationships, environments, and systems on all the factors of development during this time period. They then dive into the six specific domains within the Portrait, the components of each of those domains, the features that cut across different domains, and the tools and resources attached to the Portrait that help educators, youth workers, and other adults create the environments to help youth thrive. They also discuss the potential benefit of the Portrait for the education and youth spaces over time.

Additional Readings and Resources